Natural Beauty – Understand the Efficient Ingredients


The best thing about creating your own beauty lotions and potions is that you know what you put inside, and you feel , and understand that the ingredients are nourishing and pure. First you have to perform a patch test, to make sure there is no allergic reaction of the skin.

Natural butters from seeds are employed extensively in beauty products – they give a smooth, creamy and dense content to creams, lotions, balms and soap. They are mixed with popular types of clay. Sweet sugars and splendid salts are the natural additives to a warm bath for revitalizing the skin or crafting for yourself an exfoliating body scrub. Brown sugar, cane sugar, sea salt and Himalayan salt are the best ingredients. When creating beauty products – it is important to add ingredients such as wax, gum, thickeners. Among the derivatives of essential oils are chamomile, cinnamon, clove, grapefruit, lavender, eucalyptus, lemon, orange, peppermint, rosemary, thyme and more. Floral waters are aromatic waters produced by steam distilling plant and flower materials in copper stills and they are a beautiful ingredient for facial and body toners.

Caring for your lovely tresses and locks is easy when done naturally. Delight in a juicy mix of plant hair-care formulas to cleanse, condition, treat and nourish the skin. Hair treated with care and attention is both beautiful and robust. You can care for it naturally and try to avoid popular products containing chemistry, dyes and other harmful ingredients.

You have to choose the best hair-treatment ingredients for your hair type. There are essential oils for every hair: normal, oily, dry, processed and damaged, coarse, and ethnic. There are different types of shampoo you can apply: liquid shampoo, dry shampoo and baking soda – the “no shampoo” solution. It is used to cleanse and purify the hair and is followed by a vinegar herbal rinse to balance the pH of the skin. For this purpose baking soda is mixed with water and gently massaged onto he scalp and rinsed with warm water. A homemade anti-cellulite remedy is coffee scrub. Massage the skin for about 5 minutes, then rinse it with cold water.


Botanical home made skin potions can keep the perfect complexion for years. Face needs cleaner, scrub and exfoliator, and face masks. Again there are right masks for your type of skin: masks for dull skin, for dry skin, for oily and acne-prone skin as well as amazing clays. Facial steams are basically placing your face upon the bowl of herbal tea, cover with a white towel and delight in the steam opening your pores and cleansing them thoroughly. It’s like sauna and steam bath for the face.

There exist also the intoxicating world of aromatherapy and perfume blending, where wonderful powers are to be discovered. The art of blending aromas is like the arranging of flowers in an bouquet of exquisite fragrance. The art of aromatherapy relies heavily on the use of essential oils – the essence of the plant, which produce the stunning and delightful aroma. Breathing it in can have a beneficial psychological effect.