What Is Your Personality According to Your Lipstick Color?


Lipstick is the accessory no woman leaves the house without. In your favorite color, it always completes your look, and adds more individuality. However, this is not all; it turns out, your favorite color reveals your personality. So, which one is yours?

Sparkling pink lipstick

If you prefer glaring pink shades for your lipstick, you are a cheerful person and your contagious laughter makes people around you feel good and smile. Amiable and positive, you like creating new contacts. It doesn’t matter if you’re starting a new project, changing your job, or taking part in a competition, you surmount difficulties with ease.

Red lipstick

You have always liked vintage style. You feel sexy and attractive when there’s an accent in your vision reminding of the 60’s, 70’s, or the 80’s. You are an ambitious and passionate person, always ready to take part in a social project and help people around you. With those seductive red lips, you can always attract male attention.

Purple lipstick

In your encirclement, you are known as a person who always has an answer or can give advice when needed. You are consistent and relaxed in your job, and your qualities always make you stand out among your colleagues. You try to avoid conflicts and in most cases you are pliable. However, that is not so when it comes to your friends and family.


Neutral lipstick

Ladies who like their lips to look more natural, and prefer neutral colors, look warmer and more attentive. That’s why psychologists recommend women to go on a first date exactly with this color of lipstick. Plus, women wearing this color will enjoy people’s confidence.

Lip balm

If you prefer using lip balm instead of lipstick or lip gloss, then you’re a practical person. You also avoid conflicts and you’re not a fan of gossips and superfluous curiosity. Instead, you prefer to direct your energy to your job and hobbies.

Lip gloss

Your dream is to be famous and to attract all the attention to yourself. Well, with that charm of yours and that lip gloss, you can achieve that with ease. You are always under the spotlights. You follow the latest fashion tendencies, you’re free spirited, and you definitely know how to have fun.

We’re sure you recognized yourself here. You probably had no idea that your lipstick color tells so much about you. Maybe now you know why you have so much in common with that colleague of yours, who wears the same lipstick as you do.